Membership of the SRA, which is a non-profit company registered under the Companies Act, is open to all the registered property owners who are encouraged to apply for membership so that they may exercise their rights to influence the business of the SRA. Membership cannot be denied to a registered property owner and as a member the property owner is entitled to attend, participate and vote at members meetings of the Company held under the auspices of the Companies Act.

Should a member be unable to attend they may give another individual their proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. Non-members may attend and participate at members’ meetings but cannot vote and as such may thus have limited influence on the SRA’s activities.

Membership application forms can be downloaded from the link below – once complete please send the form back to

Click below to download the Membership Application Form

To the community of the Strand CBD

The City of Cape Town has published new parking tariffs in the 2017-18 draft budget. We would like to submit comments to the City regarding the cost of parking in the Strand CBD. Please assist us with a short survey regarding currently parking arrangements in the Strand CBD.

Simply click on the link below to complete our short survey.


The City of Cape Town is calling on residents to intensify their efforts to save water. Overall usage of drinking water is currently approximately 10% higher than the required savings target to prevent drawing dams down to dangerous levels by the end of summer.


The City of Cape Town advises residents that overall water consumption since the imposition of Level 3 restrictions is still 10% above the savings target of 800 million litres per day. In order to protect our water resources, residents have been asked to keep their water consumption over the coming summer months in line with their consumption over winter.


“The start of the hot summer months generally carries with it a spike in water use as residents fill up their pools and use more water in their gardens. If we are to meet our targets, residents will need to cut these activities back to winter levels, or intensify their efforts to save in other areas to keep their consumption in line with how much they used during winter. Approximately 70% of water in Cape Town is used by residential customers, and as such these consumers will have the biggest influence on how secure our future water supplies are”Alderman Ernest SonnenbergCity Mayoral Committee Member: Utility Services


Residents who would like to save water could consider harvesting rainwater or installing a borehole or water-well provided they register these with the City. This investment will also result in savings for residents in the long-run.

In addition to adhering to restrictions, residents can also employ the following tips in their homes:


  • Ensure that washing machines or dishwashers have a full load before running them
  • Rinse dishes and vegetables in a basin of water rather than under a running tap, and reuse the water for pot plants or in the garden
  • Reuse rinse water for the next cycle of washing up
  • Thaw frozen foods in the fridge, at room temperature, in a basin of water, or in a microwave rather than placing them under running water
  • When using taps, don’t let the water run down the drain while waiting for the hot water or for the water to cool. Rather collect the water in a bottle
  • Close the tap when brushing your teeth
  • Plug the sink when shaving rather than rinsing your razor under running water
  • Shower rather than taking a bath – a half-filled bath uses 113 litres of water, while a five-minute shower uses about 56 litres
  • Install a water-saving showerhead, take shorter showers, don’t run the water at full force, and turn off the shower when soaping
  • Reuse bath water in your garden
  • Install a new water-saving toilet
  • Check if your toilet is leaking. Furthermore, residents can place a 2-litre bottle filled with sand into their cistern to reduce the amount of water used with each flush
  • Ensure that gardens do not require large amounts of water to maintain


For more information on water restrictions as well as a more exhaustive list of water savings suggestions, residents can The City will also be advising consumers of restrictions in an insert in their next municipal invoices. We encourage residents to familiarise themselves with these restrictions and display them prominently in their homes.


If residents would like to get clarity on any of the restrictions, they can also view the FAQ document at the link above. If this does not provide an explanation they need they can send an enquiry to Residents who would like to report contraventions by members of the public can do so by contacting the City’s call centre on 0860 103 089, sending an SMS to 31373, or sending an e-mail to


Click here to read and download the formal water restriction notice from the City of Cape Town

SBID_Logo1Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the Strand Business Improvement District NPC that will take place on the 1st November 2016 at 16:30 at the Friedman and Cohen, Corner of Main Road and Wesley Street, Strand.

Please confirm your attendance / non-attendance by email to

Resolutions presented at the AGM can only be voted on by bona fide members of the Strand Business Improvement District NPC. This membership is available free of charge to all owners of commercial and industrial property within the Strand Business Improvement District NPC, but they must be registered before 18 October 2016.

If you are not the registered owner of this property, kindly forward this notice to the registered owner immediately.

Click here to go to the AGM 2016 page

For further information, AGM documentation and how to register go to or e-mail or call 083 255 7657

Drugs and weapon confiscatedStrand Public Safety officers were on crime prevention foot patrol  on the 25th of October 2015 at the back of Gallow Way Centre in Strand CBD when they noticed a male suspect with a bottle neck busy preparing a dagga pipe . The officers approached the suspect and another suspect next to him and questioned both. One suspect had something in his hand and when he was requested to the show what was in his hand tried to flee but was quickly blocked from escaping and the officers noticed that he had dagga in his hand. Strand Police was called to the scene,they arrested the suspect after searching him and found a knife in his possession as well.

Dangerous Weapons ConfiscatedStrand CID Public Safety patrol officers Rohan Nolte Masiwakhe and Bande were on crime prevention patrol at 18:25 on the 25th of  October 2015 in Church Street Strand when they found the following items in the possession of a well known mentally desturbed person. Concerned about his safety, they took the items contacted SAPS and handed it over.

SBID_Logo1Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the Strand Business Improvement District NPC that will take place on the 3rd November 2015 at 16:30 at the Friedman and Cohen, Corner of Main Road and Wesley Street, Strand.

Please confirm your attendance / non-attendance by email to

Resolutions presented at the AGM can only be voted on by bona fide members of the Strand Business Improvement District NPC. This membership is available free of charge to all owners of commercial and industrial property within the Strand Business Improvement District NPC, but they must be registered before 20 October 2015.

If you are not the registered owner of this property, kindly forward this notice to the registered owner immediately.

Click here to go to the AGM 2015 page

For further information, AGM documentation and how to register go to or e-mail or call 083 255 7657

The Strand BID invites all members of the public, property and business owners to help us improve the Strand CBD.  To help us getting more information from you we have added a contact form to our website.  You can now log your own incidents and we will receive the information via email.  We will log the problem with the relevant authority and get a reference number so that we can follow things up.

To log an incident click here or go to our “log an incident page

Thank you for your help in making the Strand CBD a better place.

The many letters and messages of gratitude from businesses and the general public directed to the Strand Business Improvement District, is a testimony that the SBID’s public safety and operations teams are now well-established in the area and their efforts are showing positive results.

Since the establishment of the Strand BID six months ago on 15 October 2014 the SBID’s public safety team and Law Enforcement Officers worked hard in establishing a solid partnership. Bi-weekly public safety forum meetings are held where urgent matters are given priority and action plans drawn up.

The general patrolling of the Strand BID area is a common sight and many issues, such as drinking in public, drug dealings and assaults are dealt with by officers who are on alert throughout the day. Various successful joint operations are being conducted with the Law Enforcement officers who were recently appointed by the Ward councillor.

The SBID’s public safety officers and their partners from Law Enforcement surely have their work cut out of them and apart from ensuring that they are visible on the streets, they also tackle other daily issues, such as:

  • identifying problem areas, suspicious persons and activities;
  • engaging with and assisting the general public;
  • providing public assistance where possible;
  • assisting with arrests and recovery of stolen property;
  • addressing unsocial behaviour such as drinking and urinating in public;
  • confiscation of shopping trolleys, crates and wheelie bins; and
  • confiscating and destroying dangerous weapons found on people on the streets.

A recent arrest by the SBID’s public safety team. 

There is, however, still ongoing challenges that requires constant attention and solutions, such as people drinking in public, vagrants sleeping on business premises, public spaces or in unoccupied buildings, to name but a few. And while the SBID team is trying to eradicate drinking in public, some liquor stores keep on selling cheap liquor – hence adding to the problem.



The Strand BID received a whole lot of complements during the past two months. Here is what the public had to say about the work the team are doing in the business district:

“The SBID team of safety officers are doing an excellent job!” – Bettie Julius [Social Development]

“The park is much neater and has improved a lot in genera thanks to the good work of the SBID team of safety officers and especially their success in preventing people from drinking in public” – Mrs Wildschut, an employee from City Parks.

“I applaud the work that the Safety Officers have been doing in the Strand business distric over the last few months. I can clearly see the difference and appreciates what they are doing. I sincerely hope this operation can be extended to provide an after hour service as well.” – Mr Swart, caretaker at The the Metropole Plaza

“A lot are changing for the better in this area – thanks to the work the SBID’s team of public safety officers are doing. Thank you so much.” – Johan Schoeman, caretaker at the Galloway Centre


Dear Johan

 I want to thank you , and Ruaan’s team for the excellent service they rendered on Saturday !

 Ruaan gave me a courtesy call Saturday morning to inform me that he and his team will meet us at the Strand station. They were already there when we arrived to escort the group to the beach and back in the afternoon. The team stayed with us on the station until we left.

We felt so safe with their visible presence right throughout the day.

 A special thanks also to the Law enforcement Mr F Petersen and his team for their assistance.

Johan, thank you and your team once again. I just wish I could have more assistance like this when I I take groups around.

 Regards, Olivia Linders