Tag Archive for: urban development

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘Strand’?

The beachfront, undoubtedly.

Since holidays first became a thing in South African society, Strand has drawn crowds – people in search of the soothing lapping of saltwater and endless stretches of white sand. Before this – and still today – it also served as a sought-after fishing and foraging spot, a place to gather delicacies from the deep.

In between, it has also gathered a reputation as a popular surf spot and – with the recent refurbishment of the promenade and seawall – an excellent place for a scenic jog.

But is the beachfront’s full potential really being harnessed? This question has been weighing heavily on Heinrich Rohwer, a local whose passion for watersports and skateboarding leads him to believe a lot can be done to make this public space even more welcoming.

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