Strand BID always alert and ready

Public Safety 

The Safety Officers of the SBID are always willing to offer assistance if accidents occur in their area of mandate. They are efficient at directing the traffic, keeping bystanders away from the injured or rendering any service that is needed. 

One such incident occurred in the parking area of Strand Square, when two young men who had been standing on the back of a bakkie, fell off when it turned too fast and the one sustained serious injuries. 

Recently the Strand PSO’s assisted in finding a stray dog that had earlier attacked a Jack Russel through the bars of a fence, pulling it through and almost tearing it apart. With the help of a member of the Strand Neighbourhood Watch the dog was caught and handed over to the Animal Welfare.

 dog rescue

When residents of the Alta du Toit Aftercare centre in Bellville (a safe haven where adults with intellectual disabilities can live and work) recently visited Strand by train, the PSO’s were on the scene to accompany them to the beach. According to SBID Manager Johan Erasmus, the centre management usually requests the help of the safety officers to escort them safely to the beach and back again later, after they have enjoyed some time there. (See photos).  

 PSO's accompany AltaDuToit residents 3

PSO's accompany AltaDuToit residents 2 PSO's accompany AltaDuToit residents 1

AltaDuToit residents enjoy the beach 1


Strand BID does not deploy a permanent Urban Cleaning and Maintenance team, but have invested in a Social Work Team (SWAT) that performs the relevant tasks. The team consists of unemployed individuals, who are employed in  accordance with an agreement that is in place with local NGOs in Strand. 

The SWAT team works three days a week for four hours per day. As can well be expected, there has been a substantial turnover of staff during the past three years or more since the agreement was reached. Some of the individuals work for only a day or two before disappearing again. Others last a little longer before they may be lucky enough to get employed elsewhere. 

 Illegal dumping 1 Illegal dumping 2

One of the challenges that the SWAT team faces quite often, is illegal dumping, for example when restaurants randomly get rid of their garbage late at night. Then the team is tasked with clearing up the mess. 

Of course, there is an effort to establish who the guilty parties are, so that they can be warned. Fines can also be issued by law enforcement officers.  

One of the members of the team who has been there from the beginning, is Marthinus Fredericks, or ‘Tienie’ as he is fondly known.