The Strand BID team would like to urge business owners not to give recycled material to homeless people and in the same light, also help to discourage members of the public to give money to beggars. “In both cases, this humble gesture causes more harm than good”, says Gene Lorentz, manager of Geocentric Urban Management.

Gene says that by giving money to people begging, in whatever form, causes them to stay on the street without trying to find jobs and create better lives for themselves. It is easy to collect money or material which they can recycle for money and live of that for a day. The next day they do the same. It is just not sustainable.

He is a great supporter of the Give Responsible campaign, an initiative of the Central City Improvement District [CCID]. The campaign urges the public to rather give their money or donations to NGOs such as shelters of halfway houses that are helping provide people living on the streets with warm beds, hot meals, family reunification services, trauma therapy and the necessary life skills to help them built a new life for themselves. For more information on the Give Responsible Campaign, go to




Business owners are also discouraged to appoint informal car guards to look after their property or cars of their customers. A lot of criminals nowadays will pretend to be car guards, but in fact using this pretence to commit crimes by breaking into cars, assault drivers or work with syndicates to steal cars.

Gene says that by employing people without any formal credentials, such as a valid identification document or proof of address, could put you in a predicament and expose you to become the victim of a crime. Rather be safe than sorry and make sure all your employees are credible people with traceable identification documents.

The SBID team is building on the good relationships with the local municipal officials responsible for solid waste management to ensure a clean and litter free CBD area.

The Team Leader from Solid Waste Cleansing , Mr Mxolisi Witness Mtyabatiso, is doing an excellent job in the area, especially to secure that defective green litter bins are repaired, replaced or added in high-litter areas.




The team beautifying the area.


The SBID team continuously alerts the City of Cape Town about defects in the urban environment of the Strand central improvement area whilst being on their daily patrols. Defects to the urban environments are reported and repaired on a daily basis in the area. Here follows some of those improvements in photos:

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The STRAND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NPC will be hosting its 1ST Special General Meeting and all Property Owners are invited to a review of the year’s activities.

Date:     24 February 2015

Time:     16:00

Venue: Friedman and Cohen, Corner of Main Road and Wesley Street, Strand


1. Registration
2. Welcome & Apologies
3. Quorum to constitute meeting
4. CID Manager’s feedback on operations
5. Approval of Budget and usage of Surplus Funds 2015/2016
6. Approval of Implementation Plan 2015/2016
7. Appointment of Auditors
8. Confirmation and Election of Directors
9. General
10. Adjournment

For further information on how to register as a member click here to go the detail SGM page e-mail or call 083 255 7657

After months of hard work to gain support and submit an application to the City of Cape Town for establishment, the Strand Business Improvement District (SBID) will take its first few steps on 15 October 2014. The City of Cape Town approved the SBID application on the 29th of May 2014. Given this approval the SBID had to comply with a number of administrative requirements in order to become operational.

The SRBID Vision
The vision of the SBID is to establish and maintain a safe, clean, well-managed CBD area that attracts and retains business investment and attractive retail opportunities

The SRBID Mission
It is the mission of the SBID to create an inviting and safe business district attractive and safe for visitors and shoppers alike.

The full operational deployment of the SBID includes a dedicated full time BID manager, a public safety deployment of foot patrollers  and an urban maintenance group that will perform additional cleaning and urban maintenance tasks in the SBID area.

The Strand Business Improvement District Board appointed Geocentric to manage the SBID. The Geocentric Manager appointed to manage the area is Johan Erasmus.

The Strand Business Improvement District Board appointed Secure Rite to provide the public safety services for the SBID.

Social Responsibility

Part of the SBID plan is to assist the public at large and those that are homeless and vulnerable. Therefor the SBID management will engaged with some of the local NGO’s to find ways of working with them in the SBID.

We hope to get the local NGOs to provided potential candidates to assist with the cleaning and maintenance operations in the area.

For public safety emergencies please contact the Secure Rite Control Room on 0860 10 30 99.

Contact the SBID Manager – Johan Erasmus on 074 300 0353 or email him at

Be on the lookout for our patrol staff in their high-visibility uniforms.

We look forward to a successful partnership to create a Safer, Cleaner and Attractive Strand CBD!