We believe that you are an expert in your area and have seen the positive change we can make first-hand. You know better than anyone, where our precious resources are best spent and we value your contribution in helping us plan for future projects.
The legislative structure governing much of our work in your area is up for amendment. We hope that the proposed changes of making the processes of starting and running a CID more structured will improve the efficiency of CIDs citywide.
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At the Strand Business Improvement District (SBID), we strive towards creating a safer, cleaner, and more connected community. We are proud of Strands beginnings as a sleepy seaside village but also understand the potential excellence modernising, integrating, and diversifying our urban community can bring. That is why we are so excited to update you on Future Strand, our initiative aimed at streamlining the decision-making processes involved in district improvement to maximise efficiency on our path to reinstituting Strand as a prime place to earn, explore and enjoy.
Strand Business Improvement District (BID) – Sculpture Walk
Future Strand is a Srand Business Improvement District (SBID) initiative dedicated to revitalizing our neighbourhood by providing a space where the Strand BID, residents, business owners and officials from the City of Cape Town can come together to solve challenges. In the past few months, Future Strand and its workgroups have worked on multiple interventions to ignite inter-organisation motivation and create the momentum necessary for change.
Ultimately, local business stakeholders like you matter most, and through initiatives like Future Strand, we can all benefit from hearing your suggestions. After all, according to the World Bank, SMEs like yours account for approximately 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide. As part of a country in dire need of progress, we believe at the Strand BID that we must actively support SME growth to create jobs that will feed our people and educate the next generation of our leaders.
So, how does one go about revitalising a local economy? Well, we work together.
Strand Business Improvement District (BID) – Showcasing local artists
Future Strand will host regular round tables to discuss topics like:
Introducing the Internal Project Management Team for the Community-Driven Planning Initiative.
Discussing Future Strand’s stakeholder mapping to ensure everyone has a voice and is included as part of the stakeholder management planning process.
Deliberating over how future NGO mapping can educate, mobilise and prioritise local NGOs and allocate resources to developing appropriate support.
We also believe that Arts and Culture form the soul of a city, which is why the Strand BID is giving our full support in protecting Urban Art Initiatives by:
Maintaining urban spaces surrounding the planned ‘Sculpture Walk’. A collaboration between the Strand BID, Lionel Smit Studios, the City of Cape Town, and local business stakeholders resulted in public art installations for all to enjoy along the promenade on Beach Road.
Advocating for diversity and inclusion in Urban arts initiatives. The third phase of the Sculpture walk will showcase the splendid work of local sculptors from disadvantaged communities.
Facilitating the integration between local artists and The City of Cape Town in the installation of murals. Murals will be on City property but if you have an idea on how to brighten our streets on private property, contact our Future Strand department on info@futurestrand.co.za and share your thoughts.
Assisting with upgrading public facilities such as circles, public ablutions and the repair and maintenance of the Fountain.
Working with the City of Cape Town to begin a Community-Driven Planning initiative to develop a Spatial Framework and Precinct Plan for the CBD.
Collaborating with the Helderberg District Plan, to create a planning structure for new urban development and land-use change for the Strand area. This will guide future land use stipulations and earmark the area for mixed-use intensification which is essential to creating space for businesses at ground level along Beach Road.
Activating cultural events in the area. Currently, a Culture working group is in the planning phase with artists, venues, and sponsors to identify and collate a 2022 Events Calendar.
Implementing the 3 markets that are planned for the CBD area, namely a village market, a fresh produce market and a monthly evening market.
Revitalizing the Main Road from the Circle to Fagan Street through greening, sidewalk construction and Road Island upgrades.
Upgrading Informal Market Structures in the new financial year after the data on the current situation has been collected and a plan theorised. All market entrepreneurs will need to register electronically on the city database which assists in legalizing all facets of the market.
We are bewildered by the amount of support that we have already received from property owners in the area. In Beach Road for instance many have contributed largely by carrying out significant facade improvements through painting their buildings and upgrading their fixtures.
As Business and Property owners in the Strand BID, you can support our bright future by:
Supporting Future Strand in formalising the informal market in collaboration with the Area Economic Development Department of the City of Cape Town.
Involving your professional network in future initiatives to attract more investment from the private sector to the area by linking new entrepreneurs with investors and empty venues.
Supporting initiatives that support our people, like the Nana’s initiative. Nanas is specifically designed to get older women involved in the creative manufacturing process of upmarket children’s clothing. Their skills of knitting, crocheting, and sewing will help generate stock that can be sold at markets once restrictions are lifted.
Sharing your thoughts on our potential recycling initiative, which will be based on an open-source system that stimulates job creation and minimises our current waste issues. Precious Plastic is an incredible turnkey solution that provides all the necessary information to start.
International Collaboration
To ensure that we are working in line with the latest academic research, Future Strand has established a working relationship with Avans Hogeschool in the Netherlands to attract multi-disciplinary teams to assist on issues such as:
The development of a sustainable model for community-based initiatives that focus on land-use/spatial planning, urban revitalisation, and socio-economic development.
Transport and parking solutions for the Strand Beachfront area.
The Socio-Economic revitalisation of the Strand CBD with a focus on ‘Support local’ and unlocking the ‘Adventure’ potential of Strand.
Waste management and recycling for the larger Strand area to tackle the waste issue and to establish sustainable businesses based on the waste industry and recycling.
At the Strand BID, we plan to collaborate extensively long into our prosperous future to generate the wealth of knowledge and financial resources essential to making Strand a sustainable, supportive community. In our ongoing mission to uncover Strands full potential, we are edging closer every day to becoming the commercial urban utopia we dream of being. All we need now is your voice.
We love focusing on the positive and believe in creating and digitising a community through local Good News storytelling. To be featured as our next #GoodNews story in our next Newsletter simply send your story to info@strandbid.co.za
If you want to learn more about how you can become a part of our Future Strand Initiative contact our Future Strand Project Manager Annelie Rossouw on 082 552 1311or email at annelie.r@mweb.co.za or our Strand BID manager Johan Erasmas on 074 300 0353.
If you have any safety concerns to report, please contact one of the following numbers:
In an effort to continue keeping this special seaside town inviting to both residents and visitors, Strand BID has partnered with an exciting new initiative called Future Strand.
While the BID will continue the good work its been doing with keeping the streets clean and safe, Future Strand wishes to nurture a renewed sense of community within the town.
https://strandbid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/sbid-website-home-01.jpg9011380adminhttps://strandbid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/SBID_Logo1-300x298.jpgadmin2018-09-25 06:02:182021-11-23 05:17:01Strand BID and Future Strand share a new online home
To celebrate the launch of our brand new SBID x Future Strand website, we’ll be running a special photo competition for everyone who loves this special seaside town as much as we do! We’re looking for beautiful images that capture the magic of Strand – summery beach scenes, spectacular sunsets, the hustle and bustle of […]
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Iconic landmark synonymous with the Strand. Anyone who lived/spent vacations in Strand prior to the early 2000s would remember strolling along it and watching the fisherman patiently waiting for their day’s catch.
It was the spot you went to eat your ice cream and no doubt had its fair share of romantic moonlight strolls.
All in all, a far cry from the unattractive, tattered ruin that remains today.
The question on many lips is: what happened and will it ever be fixed?
We chatted to the Environmental Management Department at the City of Cape Town to gain some insight.
https://strandbid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/IMG_6729-e1537188945523.jpeg7991200adminhttps://strandbid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/SBID_Logo1-300x298.jpgadmin2018-09-17 12:56:532024-02-21 12:44:35From icon to invalid: a timeline of the Strand Jetty
Sedert die instelling van die SBID (‘Strand Business Improvement District) ‘n paar jaar gelede, heers die algemene mening dat die sakesentrum van die dorp beslis ‘n skoner en veiliger plek vir almal is, en statistieke bevestig dit ook.
Dit dek as ‘t ware die tafel vir die ‘Future Strand’-inisiatief om aan planne te werk wat die Strand hopelik ook ‘n nóg gewilder woon-, werk- en beleggingskeuse sal maak.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘Strand’?
The beachfront, undoubtedly.
Since holidays first became a thing in South African society, Strand has drawn crowds – people in search of the soothing lapping of saltwater and endless stretches of white sand. Before this – and still today – it also served as a sought-after fishing and foraging spot, a place to gather delicacies from the deep.
In between, it has also gathered a reputation as a popular surf spot and – with the recent refurbishment of the promenade and seawall – an excellent place for a scenic jog.
But is the beachfront’s full potential really being harnessed? This question has been weighing heavily on Heinrich Rohwer, a local whose passion for watersports and skateboarding leads him to believe a lot can be done to make this public space even more welcoming.
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“We currently reside and do business in a much safer, greener and cleaner Strand.”
Expressing satisfaction with the progress made by Geocentric during the 2016/2017 year, Strand Business Improvement District Board Chairperson Grand Goodwin said this was confirmed by statistics. “We realize that we cannot take the status quo for granted and that the team must consistently work hard to maintain the current standard”, he said.
He went on to say that they were very excited about the proposed new interventions by Gene Lohrentz of Geocentric regarding the management of the Traders Market and the Strand Initiative Marketing project. “We believe that the aforementioned interventions by Geocentric and the CID are important ingredients to our goal of making the Strand a more attractive business and tourist destination.”
The Strand Business Improvement District (SBID), which is a non-profit organisation funded by local property owners whose mandate it is to address the growing challenges in urban management, safety and security, and investment withdrawal within the Strand CBD precinct, recently added from within stakeholder ranks a new initiative named ‘Future Strand’ that will be managed by the SBID.
This stakeholder group aims to consider ways to positively influence the future viability of the Strand as a vibrant central business district.
“Keen to differentiate the Strand business district from neighbouring Helderberg precincts of Somerset West and Gordons Bay, Future Strand’s short-term objective is to build a unique identity for the area that ensures it becomes a leading centre for commercial, residential, cultural, tourism and activities.”
Since its inception three years ago, the SBID has yielded some surprisingly successful results and many of the urban challenges within the CBD of Strand have been halted. Whilst the focus remains on basic safety and cleanliness, a natural shift towards creating and enhancing the people-centric vibrancy has come to the fore.
Community involvement is however required. Both SBID and Future Strand embrace partnership thinking, which amongst other things provides for collective and collaborative solutions involving shared human and financial resources.
The objectives of SBID and Future Strand are the following:
Improve the public spaces of the Strand CBD to the benefit of the local community, visitors, property owners and businesses.
Create a positive image of the Strand CBD with the aim of bringing people and investment back to the CBD
Create a vibrant, unique Strand CBD experience
Obtain the input of more like-minded partners that can work with existing property and business owners and the community to improve and elevate the image of the strand CBD
Improvement Districts and Area Based Partnerships rely on strong relationships between partners, stakeholders and the communities they serve. In the case of the Strand, there is a large number of potential participants (some overlapping), each with a significant stake in the success of SBID and Future Strand:
Residential and commercial property owners in the Strand CBD;
The City of Cape Town as the governing body, multiple departments, political and operational levels;