There are so many apparent reasons why a museum in the heart of Strand – not necessarily confined to a single building or space, but one that could be appreciated and enjoyed on foot by groups and individuals – is an extremely attractive possibility that surely merits further investigation. This is the opinion of Dr Elma Ross, who is convinced that a museum is imperative as a tourist attraction and of course for heritage purposes.

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THERE are many stories and anecdotes to be told and shared about what Strand used to be like ‘in the good old days’. Taking a fresh look at the coastal town in its current form – compared to what it used to be and where it is heading – will in coming months prove a useful exercise during the process of forging ahead with the Future Strand initiative.

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Public Safety 

The Safety Officers of the SBID are always willing to offer assistance if accidents occur in their area of mandate. They are efficient at directing the traffic, keeping bystanders away from the injured or rendering any service that is needed. 

One such incident occurred in the parking area of Strand Square, when two young men who had been standing on the back of a bakkie, fell off when it turned too fast and the one sustained serious injuries. 

Recently the Strand PSO’s assisted in finding a stray dog that had earlier attacked a Jack Russel through the bars of a fence, pulling it through and almost tearing it apart. With the help of a member of the Strand Neighbourhood Watch the dog was caught and handed over to the Animal Welfare.

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Marthinus Fredericks, or Tienie, as he is fondly known, is a Strand BID Cleaning and Maintenance team member with the longest history in this capacity: he has been there since its inception of the Strand BID’s program to work with local NGOs to take homeless people off the streets of the CBD and offer them gainful employment. 

According to SBID Manager Johan Erasmus, he can be sure that there must be serious illness or else a very substantial reason if Tienie does not report for work. “Many have come and gone, but Tienie has been a faithful team member throughout, who arrives for work early every day.” 

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Dear Cape Town residents and businesses

The draft Budget 2018-2019 is available for comment until 16:30 on Friday, 4 May 2018.

A budget of R 49.1 billion will be spent in the metropolitan area to ensure that services are maintained, improved and expanded, that capital projects are rolled out and that the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is implemented.

The effect of the unprecedented and continuing drought is a strong theme and has influenced many factors, including tariff increases and reviews in tariff structure.

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20 MARCH 2018



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Judging from feedback received from businesses as well as visitors to the Strand during the past holiday season, the SBID’s presence and activities in the area is experienced as a positive and value-adding one. 

SBID Manager Johan Erasmus gave a few examples: 

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The Geocentric Urban Management Trolley Project was initiated in 2017. 

The aim of the project is to provide urban cleaning and maintenance teams with a platform to improve their daily tasks, assist with moving of equipment and tools and enable recycling while performing their tasks. 

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“As Geocentric we are very proud to launch our new mobile phone reporting application,” said Gene Lohrentz of the urban management company recently. “This is another way in which we are enabling our CID business and property owners to interact with their City Improvement District Management. 

“We want our CID contributors to become part of our family by interacting with us about issues they might encounter.  The mobile application makes that possible on the devices most people have with them every day.” 

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It appears that even injured, neglected or lost birds or animals who happen to find themselves in Strand, can rely on the kindness and efficiency of the SBID and its partners! 


Relief for Hot Dog 

On 6 February around midday, Strand Safety Officers Kevin en Nxesi came to the rescue of a dog that had been locked in a car since about 7am that morning. They had been informed about the animal by members of the public. 

 dog rescue1

It had appeared that there was no water for the dog, notwithstanding the fact that it was a particularly hot day. (The incident occurred just beyond the boundaries of the Strand BID.) 

 dog rescue2

The safety officers assisted in forcing open the windows of the vehicle and putting a bowl of water in the car for the overheated animal. The SPCA had meanwhile been alerted and subsequently removed the dog. 


The SAPS was also in attendance. 


Help for Hassled Birds 

injured rock kestrel

In one incident, Inspector Rohann Nolte of Secure Rite, who is employed by the SBID in Strand, found two small rock kestrels in Beach Road, one of which had possibly been injured by an airgun bullet or something similar. He arranged for the ruffled birds to be safely delivered to Birds of Prey Africa in Stellenbosch for further care.